Cheerleading Tutor, Teacher, Instructor
If you're thinking of starting dancing, getting fit through dance, just like to rehearse or you have a group who are looking for studio hire or even some space to hold functions in Batley, then just contact The Sarah T. School of Dance.
Sarah T.
Tutor, Teacher, Instructor
Cheerleading School, Speciality School
Dance Classes for age 2 yrs to Adult. From Beginners - Advanced in: Ballet, Tap, Contemporary, Performing Arts, Street Dance, Break Dance, Cheerleading, Cheer Dance, Freestyle Disco,Dancercise, Ballroom, Latin and Salsa.
School Amanda Nicole School of Dance
School, Learning Centre
Opportunity for students to take IDTA Exams., Competitions, Professional Pantomime, shows & more Pupils can also participate in - Cheerdance UK Competitions Hip Hop UK Competitions BAGA Gymnastics Awards
Classes held Monday - Friday 4 - www.*** & Saturday 9am - 5pm
Academy Zoë Taylor Dance Academy
School, Learning Centre
Cheerleading Sports Centre, Training Centre
Offering Classes in Various Dance And Fitness ;
Tae Kwon Do Pole Fitness Bellydance kickboxing Zumba Streetdance Cheerleading Ballet Tap Freestyle Acro/Gymnastic Dance Contemporary Ages from 3 years upwards Open 7 days A week
Sports Centre Hybrid Studios Dance and Fitness Centre
Sports, Health Centre