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About Life Coaching

A life coach is a professionally trained individual whose aim is to help others reach their maximum potential and attain their desired goals and results. They help their clients improve in their professional careers, relationships, everyday life and in whatever area they might need advice and guidance. 

Life coaches typically go through extensive courses that help them learn how to ask the right questions, get to know their clients, communicate effectively and draw up the right strategies to help solve problems. 

What is the difference between a therapist and a life coach?

Although there might be some similarities between working with a life coach and a licensed therapist, these are two separate roles that serve different purposes and shouldn’t be mixed up. 

Even though working with a life coach might help you with personal problems and dealing with unresolved issues in your life, they can’t treat any mental health issues. Therapists are trained professionals who specialise in treating mental health conditions and helping people get over trauma and other issues. For this reason, life coaches should not be considered an adequate substitute for mental health professionals. 

What are the benefits to working with a life coach?

The benefits you will experience depend entirely on what your specific goals are and why you decided to reach out. First of all it is important to identify the right type of life coach you need. Different specialists might not be suitable for every situation. Some specialise in addiction and sobriety coaching, career coaching, dating, financial, health and wellness coaching etc. 

After choosing the right life coach, you can start working on your problems together. They can help you with:

  • Setting goals and setting up a plan that will help you reach them
  • Restoring balance to your personal/work life
  • Learning how to communicate more effectively
  • Improving personal and professional relationships
  • Help you make important decisions 
  • Increase motivation and productivity


Ultimately, the goal of a life coach is to help you maximise your potential in a certain area. Their job is to help you get to where you want to be.

When should you consider working with a life coach?

There isn’t one particular reason as to why people decide to seek the help of a life coach. Some decide they need help when taking on a life-changing decision like a career switch while others just want to be happier in life and need advice. 

However, there are certain indications that you should be on the lookout for. Constant stress, bad habits that you can’t seem to break on your own, lacking fulfilment in your personal and professional life are all signs that you might need some help. Just remember, that you don’t need to have a specific problem to turn to life coaching. You could just be in need of someone to talk to or hear you out.

Although life coaching isn’t for everyone, if you feel like there’s a gap between where you are now and where you want to be, and you need a fresh neutral perspective on things, it’s certainly an option worth considering. 

Key details about your Life Coaching sessions

✅ Experts available : 15
✅ Average price : £25/hr
✅ Session format : Face-to-Face or Online
✅ First lesson free : Yes
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