Driving Lessons Instructors near me

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About driving lessons

Driving lessons are a form of class that teaches new drivers how to navigate a car and prepares them to obtain a driver’s license. Classes are usually both practical and theoretical and take place in a mixture of places - a classroom, a vehicle and online.

During the theoretical part of the classes, students will learn things like the traffic code and laws they need to be aware of. On the other hand, while they’re in a vehicle with their instructor, they’ll learn how to operate the car and how to drive safely. At the end of this course, every student who wishes to obtain a driver’s license must pass both a theoretical and practical exam. 

Is there a right age to start driving?

If we’re speaking strictly legally, in the United Kingdom you can apply for a provisional driver's license when you are 15 years and 9 months old. You can get behind the wheel and actually start driving when you are 17. However, as with most things, there isn’t a “right” age to start driving. 

Some kids can’t wait to start driving the second they turn 17, while others prefer to take their time and learn when they’re older. As with many things associated with learning, gaining a new skill is definitely easier when we’re younger. While we’re in our teenage years or early twenties our brains are still developing, and new information is more easily stored. However, everyone is different and should start driving only when they’re ready. The most important factor is genuinely wanting to learn, because without the desire, the chances of you becoming a good driver are slimer. 

Is learning how to drive difficult?

This is a question that doesn’t have a straightforward answer because it depends on the individual. As we mentioned earlier it highly depends on how motivated you are and how much you want to learn. On top of that, there are other factors to take into consideration. If you learn on an automatic car, you’ll definitely have an easier time than if you learn on a manual. Furthermore, having a good instructor is by far the most important part, the quality of your teacher will heavily influence the speed at which you’ll learn.  

At the end of the day driving itself isn’t difficult, however it will take time and effort. Not only will you have to learn how to operate a vehicle, but you will also have to study traffic code, laws and deal with the pressure of being out on the road. Although it might take some getting used to, as long as you’re committed and focused, you’ll get better and better every day!

Are driving lessons expensive?

The cost of driving lessons entirely depends on where you decide to go. TutorExtra offers a wide variety of qualified driving instructors who you can choose from. Prices vary between £20 and £30 an hour depending on the teacher.

Make sure to carefully choose your instructor and talk to them beforehand so you get a better feeling for them and see if they’ll be a good fit for you. 

Key details about your Driving lessons sessions

✅ Experts available : 12
✅ Average price : £55/hr
✅ Session format : Face-to-Face or Online
✅ First lesson free : Yes
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