Teacher of Spanish as a foreign language, One to one, groups, children and adults, at all levels at private schools, academies, international organizations and universities. IH, UB, Advantage Languages, Bess School, Spain. Spanish Arriba, Secondaries Schools, A/level, CGSE, London. Skype classes.
Preparation DELE, OIT and UNESCO exams
Language guided tours in private schools and universities in Barcelona to the museums, Paris, Ferney-Voltaire, Buenos Aires Geneva and London. Conducting Conferences and Cinema discussions each several times for Ele students about the Spanish origin language, Pre/Colombian histories, Music around the word, Food and Culture and classic Spanish films.
/At Protocol and PPA Education (agencies) I did supplies secondary and Primary (2015-2016).
/Tales published in Spanish and different languages for a mobile Ele app. Lingobites. London. UK. The Grandma’s Magic.
Teacher trainer in Ele at IH and UB Máster de Profesores de Ele, Barcelona, Spain and INEPLA, Laussane, Switzerland. 1986/2013. In Spanish Second Language, trainer with anthropology project in Cuzco and Iquitos, Perú UB/UE. La Paz y Cochabamba, Bolivia GTZ/PROEBI. (1996/2001)
. Workshops and short courses given from 1990 to 2013
/ The listening in class integrate to the speaking, writing and speaking with culture frame. Reflection and practices.
UB Máster de Profesores de Ele.
/ Humour in Ele, Mafalda and others kind of jokes, oral, graphics, culture differences, vocabulary, etc. IH/UB/INEPLA
Varios años con Mafalda “Cable” nº6
Revista internacional de didáctica de la lengua para profesores y lingüistas publicada en España
/ Notions of Space and time in Ele with contents about AméricaLatina and Social Sciences /Ele at museum. Objects and language acquisition. IH/UB/INEPLA/ Inst Cervantes Brussels www.***
/ Recycling and Ele. Producing craft with recycling to work domestic life, environment relation ship and cnflicts issues. Bess School, Barcelona.
Anthropology research in linguistics, language in contact and methodology 1995-funded education and transfer as a trainer to indigenous areas (Perú, Bolivia)UB/UE/GTZ
2002-2005 Conducting ethnographic records and stories of life archives at UB. Anthropology Dpto.
2003-2007 Research on migration, in particular about food and migration in Barcelona, Spain. Active participation in associations with teenagers and families orientated in food habits contacts, work, food rejects and body health from a sociocultural view.
2009-2017 Participation as a speaker at conferences CCCB, Drap Art. Publishing articles and books. – Barcelone, Spain, on recycling in SXXI, I participated at DVO-EHSS, Paris www.*** www.***
about recycling seminars and in Köln, Germany events.
I do multicultural workshops about craft and recycling in London for all ages.
Particpant of the Scientific Team of PSV to elaborate the speech and classification of hundreds of daily life photos for Exhibition DOMESTIC Caja Madrid, Barcelona www.***
In in Lawrs, London, UK intergenerational workshops speaking and making craft.(organize, communicate, develop and evaluation)
2008-2012 I taught as tutor in UNED www.*** ,22988019&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
“Hominization”, “ Ethnography I and II” and “Introduction of Anthopology”, “Anthropology of Kinship” as well in “bridge courses”.
Cecilia M.
Tutor, Teacher, Instructor