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About Coaching lessons

Put simply, coaching is a process that aims to improve the results and performances of an individual, team or organisation. On an individual level, a person who has more experience in a certain field, usually called a coach, supports a learner in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing guidance. 

On a business level, coaching typically focuses on organisational development as a whole. Although depending on the company, there are different forms of coaching that could be needed like life coaching or career coaching for employees. 

Coaching is often discussed alongside teaching, mentoring and counselling. Although these terms share similarities they all have their differences. 

These terms often get mixed and matched and even though they are similar in some ways, they are also quite different. 

Teaching usually involves a person who is an expert or very knowledgeable in a certain field passing their expertise down on to a student. In this scenario there is a clear hierarchy, where one of the people involved (the teacher) is the expert and is there to teach the students the right answers. 

Coaching differs in the sense that the coach isn’t necessarily there to give the other individual the “right answer”. Instead, they’re there to help them unlock their full potential. Coaching usually involves the idea that the student has the knowledge to solve their own problems, they just need help realising it. More often than not coaches don’t specialise in a certain field, but instead have general knowledge which is applicable across different areas. 

Mentoring is another term often mixed up with the others. A mentor provides knowledge and insights with the goal of helping an individual overcome a certain challenge. They usually have years of experience and specialise in one area, which allows them to give specific advice. Compared to them, as previously mentioned, coaches usually don’t specialise in one certain topic. 

Are there different types of coaching?

Absolutely! As mentioned previously coaching is a very broad term that incorporates many different types within itself. Although there are too many to list, some of the most popular types of coaching include:

Life coaching is one of the most popular types and aims to help individuals make significant changes in their personal lives and reach their full potential. 

Relationship coaching aims to help individuals and couples build healthier and meaningful relationships. 

Career coaching is designed to help professionals understand what they want, the skills they’ll need to achieve it and ways in which they can develop as a professional. It aims to help people make smart and educated professional decisions that will help them in their careers. 

Sports coaching is defined as the process of training and motivating an individual in preparation for a particular sport, regardless if it's as a career or as a hobby.

How do I find the right coach?

Finding the right coach to suit your needs can be a challenging process. This is why at TutorExtra we offer a wide variety of qualified coaches ready to start working with you. Regardless if you want to improve in a certain sport or you need help with issues in your personal life, you’ll find what you’re looking for!

Browse through our website and find the coach that suits your needs the best.

Key details about your Coaching sessions

✅ Experts available : 8
✅ Average price : £25/hr
✅ Session format : Face-to-Face or Online
✅ First lesson free : Yes
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