In depth, comprehensive crash course taught in 1 week, covering the ins and outs of AS Biology, specific to the AQA Syllabus. We will cover the topics detailed in modules 3.1-3.4, and will break down exam questions in terms of what examiners expect, and what mistakes are suually made. As a Neuroscientist, I also plan to go through effective, research-backed mehtods of preparation for exams and how to make full use of the brain when it comes to memory, consistence and overall success within exams. My private students on average achieve 2 grades higher than predicted in their studies. Recent successes include a student who was admitted into Oxford University for Natural Sciences, alongside a student who successfully sat their GCSEs, achiving a grade 6,7 in combined science, up from grade 5's thorughout the www.*** ;
This is a straight forward, no-nonsense course, which will effectively be the only course you will require to learn the fundamentals, and complexities of AS-Level Biology. Happy Studies!
Please get in touch for more details, regarding how the online class will proceed, meeting details and technical requirements :)
Dhruv S.
Tutor, Teacher, Instructor