TutorExtra UK is unlocking all enhanced features for everyone to connect with no limits, FREE, until 30th April 2020!
This is our gift and contribution during these hard times.
The health and safety of our tutors and students are important to us. Therefore, it is important that safe tutoring practices are implemented.
The government introduced new measures on 23 March 2020 requiring all UK citizens to stay at home to reduce the spread of the infection. They will look again at these measures in three weeks and relax them if the evidence shows this is possible.
This means all face-to-face tutoring must be transitioned to online learning at this time. See our helpful guide
How to Tutor Online – Tools and Tips.
Please also remember to update your profile under ‘Special Services’ to include the Location ‘Online’.
Working within government guidance, we have ensured that we are able to maintain effective operations whilst all TutorExtra staff work from home at this time.
The government guidance can be viewed here:
Gov.UK Guidance on COVID-19 | NHS Health information & advice
Many parents are now facing the challenge of managing and supervising an indefinite period of homeschooling and while most schools are already doing great work by providing material and lesson plans for their students, there are significant opportunities for tutors to help.
TutorExtra is here to help and if you are a tutor, connect with learners anywhere, anyhow. Or if you are a parent, student, or client in search of the best tutors in your area, you can filter your search for those offering services online. Now is certainly the best time to utilise TutorExtra with all enhanced features unlocked for everyone to connect, with no limits, FREE!
We do also appreciate that this is a difficult time for everyone, therefore if it is at all possible, we are encouraging our tutors to pull together and offer reduced rates to support families where they can. Note that this will vary from tutor to tutor.
Despite us all working from home, all our services are still available. Our support team is available to help with any questions or advice on maximising your potential with TutorExtra.
TutorExtra was designed to connect people and help people advance their lives through learning. We will continue to support both our tutors and our students the best way we can. And remember to continue to educate yourselves and keep up to date with the latest government advice.
Stay safe!