Online Further Maths Boarding Schools

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A Comprehensive Guide to Learning Further Maths

Maths is a subject that requires patience, effort and dedication. However, when it comes to Further Maths, these skills are taken to a whole new level. It is a challenging subject that requires a high level of commitment and an understanding of Maths concepts beyond the standard A-level curriculum. For those who are up for the challenge, the rewards can be immense. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what Further Maths is, how to study it effectively, and tips for success.

About the Subject of Further Maths

Further Maths is a subject that extends the Maths curriculum covered at A-level. It delves into higher-level mathematics concepts such as calculus, differential equations, vectors, and complex numbers. These topics are not typically covered in standard A-level Maths courses and require a deep understanding of mathematics to grasp.

Studying Further Maths

To study Further Maths, you must first have achieved a minimum grade of A in A-level Maths. This is because the subject builds upon the fundamental concepts covered in the standard Maths curriculum. Once you have met this requirement, you can opt to take Further Maths alongside your standard A-level Maths course.

One of the biggest challenges with Further Maths is the sheer volume of content that needs to be covered. Therefore, it is essential to manage your time effectively. Start by creating a study schedule that includes allocated time for each topic. Ensure you cover all concepts thoroughly and practice by working through a variety of past papers.

Effective Learning Techniques

Effective learning requires a combination of effort, focus, and consistency.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your Further Maths studies:

  • Take notes: During lessons, it's important to take notes of key concepts, formulae, and definitions. This will help you to remember important information and revise effectively.

  • Practice makes perfect: Maths is a subject that requires a lot of practice so that it becomes second nature. Look for past papers, textbooks, and online resources to test your knowledge and hone your skills.

  • Work in groups: Discussing concepts and solving problems with peers is an effective way of learning and reinforcing material and keeping motivated.

Tips for Success in Further Maths

Apart from effective learning, there are some other tips that can contribute to success in Further Maths:

  • Stay organised: Use a planner, calendar or to-do list to keep track of assignments, tests, and deadlines.

  • Ask for help: If you're stuck on a topic or a problem, don't be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to your teacher or tutor for guidance and support.

  • Stay motivated: Keep a positive mindset and stay motivated. Remember that the hard work will pay off in the end.


Further Maths is not for everyone. However, for those who are passionate about the subject and willing to put in the effort required, the rewards can be immense. Whether you are a student, parent, teacher, or tutor, this guide can help you understand what Further Maths is, how to study it effectively, and tips for success. Remember, the key to success is to take the subject seriously, allocate your time wisely, and practise, practise, practise.

Further Maths, or Further Mathematics, is an advanced level of mathematical study that explores complex mathematical concepts and applications beyond the standard curriculum. It is crucial for students aspiring to pursue mathematics-intensive fields like engineering, physics, and computer science, as it provides a strong foundation for higher education and career opportunities. Proficiency in Further Maths equips students with advanced problem-solving skills and a deeper understanding of mathematical principles.
Further Maths covers an extensive array of advanced topics, including but not limited to calculus, complex numbers, matrices, differential equations, and more. These topics extend and deepen the mathematical knowledge gained in standard mathematics courses, preparing students to tackle complex problem-solving scenarios and providing a strong mathematical foundation.
While Further Maths can present challenges due to its advanced content, it is certainly attainable with dedicated study and the support of an experienced tutor. The complexity of the subject is balanced by the opportunity for deeper comprehension and the acquisition of valuable analytical and problem-solving skills.
Yes, there are online Further Maths courses and tutors available for students who prefer the flexibility and accessibility of remote learning. Online courses provide the opportunity to study at your own pace and access high-quality instruction from experienced educators.
Further Maths opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities in fields such as engineering, physics, computer science, finance, and more. Its emphasis on analytical thinking and problem-solving skills makes it highly valuable in professions that require quantitative and technical expertise.
A-Level Maths is a standard mathematics course, while Further Maths is an advanced extension of A-Level Maths. Further Maths encompasses additional and more complex topics, making it suitable for students who have a strong interest in mathematics and intend to pursue maths-intensive degrees at the university level.
While self-study of Further Maths is possible, having a tutor or teacher can provide valuable guidance and support, ensuring a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. A tutor can tailor the learning experience to your specific needs and challenges.
To prepare for Further Maths exams, it's essential to review course materials regularly, engage in problem-solving practice, and seek assistance from a tutor when facing difficulties. Utilising resources like past papers and practice exams can also be instrumental in exam preparation, helping you become well-prepared and confident.
Some universities and organisations offer scholarships or financial incentives to students who excel in Further Maths. It's advisable to research scholarship opportunities at the institutions you plan to apply to, as this can provide additional motivation and recognition for your achievements in the subject.
Study tips for Further Maths success include establishing a structured study schedule, breaking down complex topics into manageable segments, seeking guidance when encountering challenging concepts, and consistently practising problem-solving. A Further Maths tutor can provide tailored study strategies to further enhance your success in the subject.

Key details about your Further Maths sessions

✅ Experts available : 2
✅ Average price : £63/hr
✅ Session format : Online
✅ First lesson free : Yes
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