Chinese School, Private School, Language School, Tutoring Centre, Tuition Centre
Expert teachers
We only hire the best, because we believe – a good teacher is the key to success. Our teachers thanks to their knowledge, qualifications, experience and passion guide, motivate and help students reach their goals. Students are always active in the lessons.
Teaching Methods
There are so many teaching methods. You might ask how do we chose them. It is very simple. There are three main sensory receivers: auditory, visual and kinaesthetic and they determine how we learn. We test what is your learning style and we select the best methods.
Tailored lessons
Our school offers tailored lessons. The programme of the lessons will be designed especially for YOU and the methods of teaching carefully chosen depending on your learning style – so the progress is quicker. We will also find the time that suits you best. You can come to school or study in the comfort of your own home.
Local school - Global audience
We are a local school in Blackpool however we help students all over the world using the latest technology and techniques. So even if you do not live locally we can still assist you on your learning journey.
School Language 4 Life
School, Learning Centre