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An Introduction to Learning the Fascinating Romanian Language

Are you looking to learn a new and unique language? Look no further than Romanian! Romanian is the official language in Romania, a beautiful European country located in Eastern Europe. The language is derived from Latin, with influences from Slavic and Hungarian languages. While it may not be as popular as other languages, Romanian is an important language in the European Union, with many speakers around the world. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to learn the Romanian language.

Get Familiar With the Grammar and Structure of the Language

The Romanian language has a slightly different grammar and structure compared to other languages you might be familiar with. Thus, it is important to get familiar with the basic elements of the language. Start with the alphabet and pronunciation guide. Romanian has 28 letters and each has a unique pronunciation. After this, learn the basic sentence structure and grammar rules, such as noun genders, verb conjugations, and adjective agreements. Investing time in the fundamental rules of the language will help you to accurately form sentences and communicate effectively in Romanian.

Practise Your Listening and Speaking Skills

Practice is the key to mastering any language. To become fluent in Romanian, it is important to practise your listening and speaking skills frequently. One way to do this is to find a tutor who can guide you through the language and assist you in your learning journey. Alternatively, you can immerse yourself by watching Romanian TV shows, listening to Romanian music, and interacting with native Romanian speakers. You can also download mobile apps such as Babbel, Duolingo, and Mondly to practise during your free time.

Study Romanian Culture and Customs

Language and culture often go hand in hand. Thus, learning about Romanian culture and customs can significantly support your language learning journey.

Romania is a country with a rich history, culture, and traditions. Familiarising yourself with Romanian holidays, food, music, and festivities can give you a better understanding of the language and its usage. Also, socialising with Romanians and participating in cultural activities can provide you with an opportunity to practise your language skills in a natural way.

Read Books and Articles in Romanian

Reading is a great way to expand your vocabulary and comprehension in the language you are learning. Reading books, newspapers, and articles in Romanian can give you a sense of the language's literary style, vocabulary, and grammar. To start, you can read children's books, news publications, and online blogs written in Romanian. You can also use online resources such as Romanian-English dictionaries to translate words and phrases that you don't understand.

Be Patient and Consistent

Learning any new language can be a challenging, yet rewarding experience. Therefore, it is important to be patient with yourself throughout the learning process. Consistency is the key to achieving your language goals. Set achievable goals and dedicate regular practice time to develop your language skills. Celebrate small wins and progress made along the way. With time and effort, you will be able to communicate fluently in Romanian.


Learning Romanian can be an enjoyable and enriching experience. Whether you plan to travel to Romania, connect with Romanian friends and families, or simply want to explore a new language, committing to learning Romanian can open up a world of opportunities. Remember to invest time into grammar, practice listening and speaking skills, explore Romanian culture, read books and articles as well as be patient and consistent throughout the process. With dedication and effort, you'll be able to speak Romanian fluently in no time.

Learning Romanian can open doors to a rich and diverse culture, enhance your communication skills, and provide access to a unique part of Eastern Europe. Whether you're interested in travel, business opportunities, or exploring Romanian literature, this language offers a gateway to new experiences and connections.
Romanian, as a Romance language, shares some vocabulary and grammar similarities with English, which can make the learning process more accessible than other languages. However, mastering Romanian pronunciation and its various verb conjugations may present moderate challenges, but with dedication and practice, English speakers can certainly become proficient.
The quickest way to learn Romanian is through immersive experiences, such as conversing with native speakers, daily practice, and dedicated language courses. Developing a routine that includes reading, writing, listening, and speaking in Romanian can significantly accelerate your language acquisition.
The timeline for achieving fluency in Romanian can vary depending on factors like your previous language learning experience, the time you can commit to daily practice, and the intensity of your study. In general, becoming fluent can take several years of consistent effort and dedication.
While scholarships specifically for learning Romanian in the UK may be limited, you can explore general language learning scholarships or grants for studying languages. These financial opportunities can provide support for your language education, making it more accessible.
Romanian language skills can be valuable for careers in translation, international business, or diplomacy, especially if your work involves Romanian-speaking regions. Proficiency in this language can give you a competitive edge in various fields and open up global opportunities.
Yes, you can take the Romanian Language Proficiency Exam (Diploma de Limba Română) to assess your language skills and receive certification. This exam serves as a recognized measure of your Romanian language proficiency and can be valuable for academic or professional purposes.
Learning Romanian is an excellent choice if you plan to travel in Romania. It will enhance your travel experience by allowing you to communicate with locals, navigate daily activities, and gain a deeper appreciation of the culture and history of the country.
Beginners often struggle with the pronunciation of Romanian sounds, the intricacies of verb conjugations, and understanding the gendered nature of Romanian nouns. It's common to face these challenges initially, but with practice and guidance, you can overcome them.
Romanian stands out among Romance languages due to its use of cases, influenced by its Eastern European context. Additionally, the significant Slavic vocabulary and grammatical influences set it apart from other Romance languages like Spanish, French, and Italian, making it a unique and fascinating language to study.

Key details about your Romanian sessions

✅ Experts available : 9
✅ Average price : £25/hr
✅ Session format : Face-to-Face or Online
✅ First lesson free : Yes
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